Today is Monday October 29th and the weather is really changing.It was cold this morning.I think it was 43* when I got up.It's supposed to get at or below freezing tonite.The boys are going to freeze their booties off on the mountain tonite.Hope they have enough warm clothes.They only have a couple of weeks to go before they close up for the season.Hopefully the weather won't get to bad.
I called my oldest son yesterday.He lives in Vermont.He told me that it has been cold there for a little while.He had a nice wood fire going already.I kinda miss having wood heat,not the getting the wood or carrying the wood in when it's freezing outside,but the nice toasty heat that you get from a fireplace or wood heater.
We have a heat pump now so the Winter cold isn't a problem inside any more.You know when the fire dies down over night and your all toasty under the covers.You stick your head out to see how cold it is and your nose freezes.We maybe it wasn't wasn't that bad,but there were a few times when I lay under the covers and tried to convince myself that I really didn't have to pee.
I really do like the cooler weather of Fall.The leaves are awsome,get out and enjoy them.
Peace and Love to All.