Christmas will be here in 4 days and I am so not ready for it.I am running way behind this year.I still have lots of shopping to do,from the gifts to the food.I have my lists all made out.I just can't seem to get out the door and get it done.I am not in the Christmas spirit this year and I am not really sure why.
We finially put up the tree about a week ago.I have lost a box of Christmas decorations.The box is filled with things the kids made in school.I have looked everywhere and can't find it.I would rather have those things than the most expensive ornaments that money could buy.
It snowed here a few days ago.We got about 2 inches.It was very pretty but most of it has melted now.
My family who lives in Asheville got almost 18 inches of snow.They are calling it the Blizzard of 2009.I am really glad we didn't get that much:)
Here is a picture that my sister sent me of her snow.