The last time I wrote a post on here,it was Halloween.Now it's 2 weeks before Christmas and I'm NOT ready for it.
I wasn't really ready for Thanksgiving either but it turned out o.k.We didn't have the family together because two of them have moved away,but I did talk to them on the phone,that made it alittle bit better.Hopefully we can go see them both for Christmas.
I just started buying presents for everyone on my list.We are not buying as much this year as last year.The way the economy is,I don't think many people are.
Hopefully we can get them things that they will like without spending a fortune this year.
It is in the 60s and raining today,not really Winter weather or even Fall.It's a good napping day.
I think I'll go nap now.
Peace and love to all.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Scary Movies and other scary things.
Halloween,one of my favorite Holiday's. I don't really dress up or go all out for the Holiday but it's easier to find scary movies and books around this time. I went to yesterday and watched some movies that they had on there.They were pretty good.Hubby and son went to rent movies.I told them to bring me back a scary one and they brought back and kung-fu type movie,NOT a scary movie.Hubby said it was a scary movie.It's a long way from that.He hates horror movies they give him bad dreams.
The corn maze opens today.We may go again this year.Last year it was a drought and the corn really didn't grow well enough.
I would really like to go to a haunted house this year.I love them.My son likes them also.Maybe we can find a good one.
Hopefully we will go to the one in Gatlinburg Tenn. it's pretty nice or it was 6 years ago when we went.
The weater is really cool today.Hopefully the power bill will go down.With gas as high as it is,it sucks to pay the higher bill.
We may go to Carowinds tomororrow,not sure yet.The water park part is closed and they are only open on weekends nows.I'll post pictures if we go.
Peace and love.
The corn maze opens today.We may go again this year.Last year it was a drought and the corn really didn't grow well enough.
I would really like to go to a haunted house this year.I love them.My son likes them also.Maybe we can find a good one.
Hopefully we will go to the one in Gatlinburg Tenn. it's pretty nice or it was 6 years ago when we went.
The weater is really cool today.Hopefully the power bill will go down.With gas as high as it is,it sucks to pay the higher bill.
We may go to Carowinds tomororrow,not sure yet.The water park part is closed and they are only open on weekends nows.I'll post pictures if we go.
Peace and love.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Almost Fall
It's almost Fall. The weather is getting cooler. I really like that part. We have had alot of rain so I am not as worried about fires as I would have been.
My Mums are starting to bloom,they came back from last year.That's the first time that I have had them do that.Of course we live in a warmer climate than we did before so that's probably why.
We went to the Dollar Tree and they have Halloween,Thanksgiving and Christmas things out.That's crazy.
I don't think we'll be buying as much this year because of the economey.Everything costs so much more this year.SUCKS !!!!!!
No real news here.
My Mums are starting to bloom,they came back from last year.That's the first time that I have had them do that.Of course we live in a warmer climate than we did before so that's probably why.
We went to the Dollar Tree and they have Halloween,Thanksgiving and Christmas things out.That's crazy.
I don't think we'll be buying as much this year because of the economey.Everything costs so much more this year.SUCKS !!!!!!
No real news here.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Did I mention that I really like scary movies and horror stories.I love a good scare,we'll when it's a safe scare,like when I'm reading a good book or watching a good movie.I would probably have a heart attack if anything like that happened to me and I think that I am a pretty brave person.
Now the show Scare Tattics,most of that stuff,I think that I would be smart enough to know that there's no way it could be real.A lot of it looks so fake to me. I don't know, maybe if you are there it's different.
Any movies or book recomendations send them my way.I hate waiting for new ones to come out. I think that I've read or seen the best their is out there.I would love to be wrong.
Now the show Scare Tattics,most of that stuff,I think that I would be smart enough to know that there's no way it could be real.A lot of it looks so fake to me. I don't know, maybe if you are there it's different.
Any movies or book recomendations send them my way.I hate waiting for new ones to come out. I think that I've read or seen the best their is out there.I would love to be wrong.
Hot Day In August
It is so hot today.Our air conditioner is on the fritz and the repair guy can't come over until tomorrow.We have fans but they are nothing compared to air conditioning.Double Darn. It's HOT in here.
O.k. that's my complaint for today.Other than that things are great.
I'm reading a new book by Bentley Little called The Academy. So far it's pretty good.I'm on chaper 8. I really like his books,but I always feel kind of guilty when I read his books,it's like the porn that you keep hidden.They are always really creepy.I think he is one of the best horror writers out there.I grab his and Steven King's books when they first come out.Love them.
I'll tell you more about the book when I'm finished with it.
O.k. that's my complaint for today.Other than that things are great.
I'm reading a new book by Bentley Little called The Academy. So far it's pretty good.I'm on chaper 8. I really like his books,but I always feel kind of guilty when I read his books,it's like the porn that you keep hidden.They are always really creepy.I think he is one of the best horror writers out there.I grab his and Steven King's books when they first come out.Love them.
I'll tell you more about the book when I'm finished with it.
Friday, July 18, 2008
New Grandma.
I'm a new Grandma. I love it.
Atticus Oliver born 7/11/2008.
He is so cute. I think he looks like his daddy.
He is such a sweet baby.
Hopefully I'll add some pictures here later.
Atticus Oliver born 7/11/2008.
He is so cute. I think he looks like his daddy.
He is such a sweet baby.
Hopefully I'll add some pictures here later.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Me Again.
Summer flowers are blooming.My husband planted a lot of different flowers and most of them have started to bloom.We've had to hand water because we are in a severe drought here.Our lawn looks really bad,brown just plain dried out.We can't water our grass but we can hand water flowers and vergetables.I'll post some pictures of our flowers on here later.They really are nice.
We went gem mining yesterday.It was a lot of fun.We slucied,creeked and dug.We found some pretty gems.Different kinds of stones.We didn't find the Mother Load,but we did have fun.Would have been more fun if we had found a huge Emerald or something,but it was a nice little trip.
We went gem mining yesterday.It was a lot of fun.We slucied,creeked and dug.We found some pretty gems.Different kinds of stones.We didn't find the Mother Load,but we did have fun.Would have been more fun if we had found a huge Emerald or something,but it was a nice little trip.
Hard Times Are Coming.
Holy Crap !!!!! Our power bill just went up $50. We have not used the air conditioning much more than last month.We have been taking shorter showers because of the drought in this erea.We really have not used any more electricity this month than last.I know that Duke Power was going up on our bills because of higher fuel costs but dang !!! $50 !!!!! Gas prices are killing us.Food is getting more expensive.EVERYTHING is getting more expensive.I don't know how some people are going to make it.I feel very sorry for those people.It just SUCKS !!!!!!
It sure makes me wish for the good old days.When gas was $2,when you could afford to buy a dozen extra eggs to make deviled eggs for the picnic,heck when you could afford to go on a picnic.When you could afford to drive around just to sight see.
I guess we'll have to pray for each other,for things to get better,because right now it's just bad for a lot of people.
It sure makes me wish for the good old days.When gas was $2,when you could afford to buy a dozen extra eggs to make deviled eggs for the picnic,heck when you could afford to go on a picnic.When you could afford to drive around just to sight see.
I guess we'll have to pray for each other,for things to get better,because right now it's just bad for a lot of people.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Gas Or Food
Gas or food.Did you ever think that some people would have to chose??
We are doing fine.Not a lot of bills,don't really need to drive much so we don't have to chose.We can afford both food and gas.But with gas at about $4 people can't afford the gas to get to their low paying jobs to make the money to but their food.People are losing their houses.The economy is really bad.It's very sad right now for alot of people.I'm not really sure what the answer to the problem is.We need to work together and pray a lot.Hopefully it will get better soon.
We are doing fine.Not a lot of bills,don't really need to drive much so we don't have to chose.We can afford both food and gas.But with gas at about $4 people can't afford the gas to get to their low paying jobs to make the money to but their food.People are losing their houses.The economy is really bad.It's very sad right now for alot of people.I'm not really sure what the answer to the problem is.We need to work together and pray a lot.Hopefully it will get better soon.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
The beach.
It's Spring and everything is getting Green.Flowers are blooming.I love Spring.The weather has been so nice lately.I would love to go to the Beach.I like to go before it gets really hot.
We have tickets to Carowinds,I would like to go there before it gets to hot and crowded.
Spring so much to do.Mow the grass,plant some flowers.Start planting the garden.
I love Spring.
We have tickets to Carowinds,I would like to go there before it gets to hot and crowded.
Spring so much to do.Mow the grass,plant some flowers.Start planting the garden.
I love Spring.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Stephen King and Duma Key
I really really love to read.I love horror,mysteries,drama,romance,etc.I'll read anything.My husband and I moved to Ga. when I was pregnant with our 1st. son.We got to the house that we were going to stay at very late at night and did not have time to unpack anything before he had to go to work the next morning.There I was with nothing,everything we owned was packed in our truck which he had to drive to work.I was going crazy,no books nothing.I remember napping alot and pacing alot till someone knocked on the door.It was a lady delivering the new phone books.When I took that phone book in my hands it was like a new book by my favorite author.I could wait to see who's names were in it.Let's see we have alot of Smith's at home,I wonder how many live in Thomaston Ga.O.k. next I wonder how many Phigguranouse's live here,hummm,none.I kept looking up names untill hubby got home and we unloaded the truck and I got my new Stephen King book out of it.This was in 1979 and I'm not sure which book it was,but they've all been great.I read his new book Duma Key and liked it alot.Anyway I read a phone book so that about proves that I'll read about anything.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
I love Spring.
Warmer weather.
No coats.
No heating bill.
Not really a a.c. bill either.
Fishing,o.k. that my husband,Son,Dad,Mom and brothers.I like to eat the fish not catch them.
Getting a very light tan before the weather gets to hot.I'm not one of those people who can lay outside when it's hot.
Trees bloomimg and then turning green.
Green grass.I don't mow it,so I love it.
My family and Spring.Two of my favorite things.
Warmer weather.
No coats.
No heating bill.
Not really a a.c. bill either.
Fishing,o.k. that my husband,Son,Dad,Mom and brothers.I like to eat the fish not catch them.
Getting a very light tan before the weather gets to hot.I'm not one of those people who can lay outside when it's hot.
Trees bloomimg and then turning green.
Green grass.I don't mow it,so I love it.
My family and Spring.Two of my favorite things.
Spring Flowers
I love Spring.The warmer weather.The bright and colorful flowers.Starting seeds in little pots for my garden and flower beds.Every year I have such big plans for the yard,a garden and flower beds,but I never seem to get it done.My little seeds in pots never really make it to the garden or flower beds.I think I have a brown thumb.Someone once gave me a Air Plant,she said you don't have to put it in dirt or really water it.Her's looked really nice.Mine died.My Mom could plant a stick and it would grow,like the lady on one of the Night Gallery shows,I think it was called Green Thumb or Fingers,something like that.That lady planted a stick of wood and it grew into a small tree,later she planted her cut off fingers and,well you really should watch the show,I don't want to give away the ending.
Anyway back to my Mom,now she has a green thumb.Inside the house and outside the house,flowers,bushes,awesome plants everywhere.She always offers me cuttings or plants,but I hate to kill the poor things so I usually say no.But I really would love to grow things like she does.
I guess I'll just enjoy everyone else"s.
Anyway back to my Mom,now she has a green thumb.Inside the house and outside the house,flowers,bushes,awesome plants everywhere.She always offers me cuttings or plants,but I hate to kill the poor things so I usually say no.But I really would love to grow things like she does.
I guess I'll just enjoy everyone else"s.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Can't wait for some new t.v. shows.
Well I am getting really tired of reruns. Aren't you?
I miss my favorite t.v. shows. Come on people work together and end this writers strike. PLEASE.
I did watch the new season start of Lost. They had the 2 hour show on last week and it is just crazy what's happening with my favorite island bunch.Flash backs,flash forwards.I love it.I could get in a great discussion about what I think is going on,but when I think I know something,they change my mind.That's what keeps me watching.You just don't know where they are going with the story line.
I am reading a really good book about Lost and the Bible.I'll write more about it when I finish the book.
I'll write more later.Have a great day.
Peace and Love.
I miss my favorite t.v. shows. Come on people work together and end this writers strike. PLEASE.
I did watch the new season start of Lost. They had the 2 hour show on last week and it is just crazy what's happening with my favorite island bunch.Flash backs,flash forwards.I love it.I could get in a great discussion about what I think is going on,but when I think I know something,they change my mind.That's what keeps me watching.You just don't know where they are going with the story line.
I am reading a really good book about Lost and the Bible.I'll write more about it when I finish the book.
I'll write more later.Have a great day.
Peace and Love.
Hello again.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
I'm back.
Well I guess my plan to write something every day hasn't worked out very well.I'm feeling better and the crazy time of the hoildays is over so here goes.
We had a very nice Thanksgiving and great Christmas.Everyone is doing well.
A few weeks ago it was in the lower 80"s here, we might not even hit 30* today.It's cold and windy here.
The mountains are getting snow and I think they are in the teens today.I wouldn't mind getting alittle bit of snow but the cold,nope don't like it,don't want it.
Well I think I'll go watch the news.I'll write more later.Keep warm,stay safe.
We had a very nice Thanksgiving and great Christmas.Everyone is doing well.
A few weeks ago it was in the lower 80"s here, we might not even hit 30* today.It's cold and windy here.
The mountains are getting snow and I think they are in the teens today.I wouldn't mind getting alittle bit of snow but the cold,nope don't like it,don't want it.
Well I think I'll go watch the news.I'll write more later.Keep warm,stay safe.
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- katzkids by Kathy D.
- My name is Kathy.I have 1 husband,3 Sons,2 daughters and 2 Grandkids, 2 dogs and 4 cats. Contact me at