Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Hard Times Are Coming.

Holy Crap !!!!! Our power bill just went up $50. We have not used the air conditioning much more than last month.We have been taking shorter showers because of the drought in this erea.We really have not used any more electricity this month than last.I know that Duke Power was going up on our bills because of higher fuel costs but dang !!! $50 !!!!! Gas prices are killing us.Food is getting more expensive.EVERYTHING is getting more expensive.I don't know how some people are going to make it.I feel very sorry for those people.It just SUCKS !!!!!!
It sure makes me wish for the good old days.When gas was $2,when you could afford to buy a dozen extra eggs to make deviled eggs for the picnic,heck when you could afford to go on a picnic.When you could afford to drive around just to sight see.
I guess we'll have to pray for each other,for things to get better,because right now it's just bad for a lot of people.

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