Tuesday, August 19, 2008

One baby picture.

He's sure a cutie and look at the size of those feet.

Born 7/11/08

Me with my new grandson.


Did I mention that I really like scary movies and horror stories.I love a good scare,we'll when it's a safe scare,like when I'm reading a good book or watching a good movie.I would probably have a heart attack if anything like that happened to me and I think that I am a pretty brave person.
Now the show Scare Tattics,most of that stuff,I think that I would be smart enough to know that there's no way it could be real.A lot of it looks so fake to me. I don't know, maybe if you are there it's different.
Any movies or book recomendations send them my way.I hate waiting for new ones to come out. I think that I've read or seen the best their is out there.I would love to be wrong.

Hot Day In August

It is so hot today.Our air conditioner is on the fritz and the repair guy can't come over until tomorrow.We have fans but they are nothing compared to air conditioning.Double Darn. It's HOT in here.

O.k. that's my complaint for today.Other than that things are great.

I'm reading a new book by Bentley Little called The Academy. So far it's pretty good.I'm on chaper 8. I really like his books,but I always feel kind of guilty when I read his books,it's like the porn that you keep hidden.They are always really creepy.I think he is one of the best horror writers out there.I grab his and Steven King's books when they first come out.Love them.
I'll tell you more about the book when I'm finished with it.

About Me

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My name is Kathy.I have 1 husband,3 Sons,2 daughters and 2 Grandkids, 2 dogs and 4 cats. Contact me at kats7960@gmail.com

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