Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Did I mention that I really like scary movies and horror stories.I love a good scare,we'll when it's a safe scare,like when I'm reading a good book or watching a good movie.I would probably have a heart attack if anything like that happened to me and I think that I am a pretty brave person.
Now the show Scare Tattics,most of that stuff,I think that I would be smart enough to know that there's no way it could be real.A lot of it looks so fake to me. I don't know, maybe if you are there it's different.
Any movies or book recomendations send them my way.I hate waiting for new ones to come out. I think that I've read or seen the best their is out there.I would love to be wrong.

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My name is Kathy.I have 1 husband,3 Sons,2 daughters and 2 Grandkids, 2 dogs and 4 cats. Contact me at kats7960@gmail.com

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