Sunday, December 26, 2010

Happy Holiday's Everyone

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. We have snow for Christmas.
I LOVE a white Christmas:)
The snow started about 5 o'clock yesterday so it wasn't as nice as waking up to snow on Christmas morning.We kept watching and waiting for it but it was worth it.We have 6 inches here.I hope to add pictures later. It's beautiful. Our dog Lucky doesn't think so:)
Travel is really bad because of all the snow and ice so please be safe on this busiest travel day of the year.
Happy Holiday's everyone.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Picture of a momma hummingbird on her nest.

My brother took this picture of a momma humming bird on her nest.Isn't she cute?????

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Happy Father's Day to my Dad

Happy Belated Father's Day Dad !!!!!!!!!!

We are going to visit my dad on Saturday and I can't wait. I think my brothers and sisters are all coming down also but I'm not really sure yet. It's still in the planning stage. My dad and mom live on a lake front.They have boats and all the fun lake stuff. The kids have a ball swimming,jumping off the dock,paddle boating and just having fun at grandma and grandpa's.

It's been so hot that I may even take a dip in the lake and I really don't like the water. If I get out where it is deep I start to panic.
I love the picture of my Dad. He's pulling the grand kids around the lake on the tube.He loves it as much as they do.
I can't wait to see everyone and give my dad his gifts.
I love you Dad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Rainbow In The Sky

My son Matt came up from Raleigh and spent a week with us. We had a great time. We went to the Douglas Lake lake house also known as grandma and grandpa's house. Everyone had fun fishing,swimming,eating and paddle boating.Matt hadn't saw his grandparents in about 3 years and it was great getting them together again.

We spent a couple of days at the lake and then came back to my house.Matt had to be back at work on Friday so we got up early Friday morning to take him back.The traffic to Raleigh was fine,not to heavy and the weather was nice.We stayed a couple of hours then started back.The trip usually takes 3 hours 45 minutes.That day it took 5 hours.It started raining really hard about 3 hours in.It was pouring,and then the closer we got to Charlotte the crazier the traffic got.They were having Speed Street and a few big races at the Speedway.The traffic was so bad that we were hardly moving and when we did move people were driving crazy.I guess they were afraid that they would be late.It was really scary with the heavy rain and crazy people.I was in full blown panic attack mode and I wasn't even driving,my husband was.I just knew that someone was going to wreck us.After creeping and crawling through Charlotte the traffic opened up and the skies cleared.My heart finally started to calm down and I could relax.I looked out my side window and saw the most beautiful rainbow. I felt like God was saying calm down,see you made it through that,the storm is over and everything is o.k. I hate panic attacks and I really needed that rainbow:) I took pictures to share with everyone.Here's hoping that you have a rainbow just when you need it.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Happy Memorial Day Weekend Everyone

I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday weekend.

Don't forget what Memorial Day is really about. Remember the people that have lost their lives.

I'm wearing my red poppy this weekend.
Thank you.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Me and Mom having fun at the beach. We are at Edisto Island one of our favorite places.I think she found quite a few sand dollars that day. A great day at the beach with my mom.
Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms out there !!!!!! I hope everyone has a great day.Take a little time to celebrate YOU:)

My mom is the best and I would like to thank her for all of her hard work,her sacrifices,her love ,her patients and for always being there for me. I LOVE YOU MOM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Earth Day Thursday April 22nd

What did you do for Earth Day???? Just think if everyone did just one small thing, how BIG that would be.
The weather was great here.We had beautiful Carolina blue skies.It was a bright sun shiny day with a light breeze,perfect for planting or doing any outdoor work.
We went to Lowe's and Walmart and bought some bedding plants and some seeds and had a great time setting them out.I have tomato,cucumber,pepper,squash,and a few different herbs for the garden.I have carnation,marigold,inpatients,and many mixed flowers.We also planted 2 grapevines.I am so happy with what we did and can't wait to add more things to the garden.
I love growing some of our own food and picking a bouquet of my own flowers:)

We have been recycling plastic bottles,cans and cardboard.
I plan to start composting.It bothers me that I throw scraps away that could be put to good use.
I am going to start using a rain barrel and use the rain water to water my plants.My Grandma always used one.
We are good about keeping the lights off when we don't need them.
I would really like to live more GREEN.

I bought a book by John Seymour called The Self-Sufficient Life And How To Live It, The Complete Back-To-Basics Guide
Chapter 1-The meaning of self-sufficiency
Chapter 2- Food from the garden
Chapter 3-Food from animals
Chapter 4-Food from the fields
Chapter 5- Food from the wild
Chapter 6-In the dairy
Chapter 7- In the kitchen
Chapter 8- Brewing and wine-making
Chapter 9- Energy & waste
Chapter 10- Crafts & skills
The books has so much information about doing things yourself.Some things that I thought would be hard are really easy to do.
I have learned so much from this book and recommend it highly.

I hope everyone had a great Earth Day.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

Happy Easter. I hope everyone has a great day.

The weather here is so nice.It's a perfect day for a egg hunt:)

Today's temp. is supposed to be about 86*.It's sunny,the grass is green and the flowers are blooming everywhere.Perfect Easter day.

We are staying home today.I am sad that we can't be with the rest of the family on Easter but I hope everyone has a very safe and happy Easter.

Get out there and find those eggs:)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Spring Fun.

Spring view from the boat.
Me playing with Lucky and Ginger. We don't mow the grass untill after Easter.The kids love hiding the eggs in the tall grass.

I love Spring. Everything is getting green.I love the flowers and getting outside. Good Bye Winter:)

Spring Pictures.

Time to mow the grass.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Don't Forget to Change Your Clocks.

It's that time of year again. Daylight Savings Time. Tonight you need to change your clocks. You need to move it up a hour. Spring Forward. You will lose an hour of sleep,which I hate.I'm not getting enough now:(

I really do hate these time changes. It's takes me months to get adjusted to the new time. My bedtime and wake up timetable gets all out of whack.

I love the Springtime with the warmer weather,flowers,green grass and the rain showers,but the Daylight Savings Time is one thing about Spring that I hate.

Friday, March 12, 2010

I'm Sick Of Being Sick. Virus Bug.

I have had a virus or something for almost two week now and I sick and tired of it:(
I feel like poop. I have had a headache,nausea,body aches,hot flashes,feeling chilled,and just tired and weak.I don't have a fever and that's what makes me think it's just a virus that I have to get over.
Today I have a cramp in my neck and it hurts to turn my head,but my nausea is much better.I don't feel 100% bad the whole time.I start feeling better and think that I'm getting over it but then I feel like crap again.
When the weather was really nice.I opened the windows and aired the house out.I went outside and got some sunshine.That felt really good.
I don't want to go to the doctor and have to pay him to tell me that I have a virus bug and it will just have to run it's course.
I guess I'll keep on drinking my fluids and get as much rest as I can.I'm using stinky muscle rub and a heating pad on my neck and hoping tomorrow will be the day that I wake up feeling great.
I hate being sick:(
Does anyone have any other things that I could try??
I bought some Energy juice drinks to try.I really like the SoBe energy drink.I bought the citrus flavored one.It has guarana,ginseng,tourine and vitamin C in it.It really taste good.I like the orange juice and lemon juice flavor of it.
I also bought the Propel vitamin enhanced water beverage with antioxidants.I bought 6 different flavors.The one that I'm drinking now is the Kiwi-Strawberry flavored one.It's really good.
I am also drinking water and real fruit juices.
I don't want to get dehydrated and I really could use some extra energy.
If anyone know of anything else that I could try.I would love your ideas.Thanks.

Monday, March 8, 2010

2010 Census form mailing.

In today's mail I received a letter informing me that they will be mailing 2010 Census forms in about a Week.My first thought was that's the government and my tax dollars at work.My second thought was what a waste of time and paper.You send me a letter telling me that you are going to send me a letter.Does anyone else find this odd or just wrong??
This letter is from the United States Department Of Commerce,Economics and Statistics Administration,U.S. Census Bureau,Office Of The Director.
It says about one week from now you will receive a 2010 Census form in the mail.
when you receive your form,please fill it out and mail it back promptly.
Your response is important.Results from the 2010 Census will be used to help each community get it's fair share of government funds for highways,schools,health facilities and many other programs you and your neighbors need.Without a complete,accurate census,your community may not receive its fair share.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Robert M. Groves
Director,U.S. Census Bureau

What does he want me to do in the week that I'm waiting for my Census form,study up on my answers,move a few people in with me,so that we'll get more funds for our city.
Hm mm.
I've got a week to work on that:)

Really, I do think the letter was a waste of money.Why not put that letter in with the Census form.One envelope used,time and money saved.That would have been the smart thing to do.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

I messed up the last post.

I really messed up the last post.My pictures are all out of order.I forgot to tell why I had the Reader's Digest flower gardening book by Julie Bawden- Davis listed in the labels for the post.
Well I am going to leave the post the way it is.It's still a learning experience to me.It may not be perfect but that's the way it is.
Now I will talk about the book. My mom loaned it to me so I could look up a flower that was in a bouquet of flowers that I had got her for her birthday.We didn't know what it was and wanted to find a picture of the flower so we would have a name.(I think it is a Strawflower.)
The book is really nice.It is filled with information.It has an A- to -Z encyclopedia of 480
flowering plants that covers annuals,perennials,biennials,bulbs,shrubs,vines,cati,succulents,aquatic plants,ornamental grasses and more.
It has instructions for installing a garden and detailed information on planting and caring for your flowers.
I'm using this book for new ideas.
This is not a new book. It's a 2004 edition. It's a practical guide to creating colorful gardens in every yard.I love it.I am going to check and see what other books Julie Bawden- Davis has listed.
I can't wait to pick my own bouquet of fresh flowers from my garden this year:)

Friday, March 5, 2010

Burpee catalog.

I love the 1st Spring flowers.

We like peppers of all kinds.I like to make homemade salsa.
Not to hot :)

I love thses flowers.

The color is amazing and they they make great cut flowers.
These will look awesome in a vase.

These are the Orange Wellington Tomato. Don't you just love this color??
These are nearly seedless and would be a great addition in my salsa.

These are the Big Pink Tomatoes.
Love that color.

I love the Cherries Jubilee tomatoes.You can get up 500 tomatoes from just one plant.

My favorite New yellow flower.

The Jazzy Mix Zinnia.
I love the colors:)

We are supposed to have nice weather this weekend after 6 straight weekends of snow,ice or just really cold temperatures. I am ready to get outside and get my flower beds and garden ready for planting
.I always look forward to the Spring planting catalogs showing up and one of my favorites is the Burpee gardening catalog.The 2010 catalog is very nice.I love when they have new things listed every year.
Some of my favorite New things are the Jazzy Mix Zinnia. I love the pretty colors of burgundy reds tipped yellow to carmine.They are small zinnias and I love how the colors flow. I am thinking about getting these and using them as a border to my other zinnias.
Another favorite is the Lemon Cream Calendula. Yellow is my favorite color and these flowers are awesome. This is a pot marigold.It smells nice and you can use the flower petals and leaves in salads and things. I have not tried these yet but they are on my list.
They have Orange Wellington Tomatoes,Seascape Strawberries,Cherries Jubilee Tomatoes, and Big Pink Tomatoes just to name a few of the things that I am excited over this year.
I spend days looking and shopping for the perfect things to plant. Spring is just around the corner and I can't wait.

Shutter Island

Last weekend my husband,son and I went and saw Shutter Island. I loved the movie.The actors did an amazing job.It keep me entertained all the way through the movie.I love the surprise ending.My son Tim liked it and my husband liked it better after I explained the ending to him.
I'm not sure why people are confused about the ending.If you watch and listen,you get it perfectly.
There were two ladies in the ladies room arguing about what the ending meant.I didn't say anything because there were people in there waiting to see the movie and I didn't want to give the ending away.Which is why I won't say more about the ending here:)
They make the preview look really scary.The movie isn't scary,it's really a thriller.If you were hoping for a horror movie,this one isn't.
I loved the movie and give it 4 stars****.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Plant and Flower Catalogs.

One sure sign that Spring can't be too far away is the abundance of planting and flower catalogs that flood my mailbox this time of year and I love it:)

I love thinking about what and where I'm going to plant my flowers. What vegetables that I'm going to plant in the garden this year.It's fun and really makes me wish for the warm weather of the Springtime.I can't wait to get out there and get my hands dirty.

This year I'm thinking about planting some new vegetables,some things that I've never grown and maybe never even eaten.Eggplant anyone??? Bok Choy???

I dream big.I always pick out more things than I really order.Order more things than I plant.

I really enjoy this every year.It's part of my good-bye to Winter and hello to Spring.

Friday, February 19, 2010

I really miss my cat.

I have had Baby for 8 years. We got her as a stray kitten after her mom was ran over and killed by a car. Her and her litter mates were in really bad shape.They had almost starved to death.We tried to save them all but Baby was the only one who made it.She was such a tough tiny little thing.

Baby slept every night curled up in the crook of my arm,under the cover when it was cold and on top in the summer time.She ran into the bedroom to get her spot as soon as I would go to bed and if I stayed up late she would sit and stare at me as if to say any time now mom.

She had been on antibiotics for a infection and seemed to be doing great.I went to stay with one of my sons and his family for 4 days.When I got back home my husband and my son Tim told me that she had died the 2nd day that I was gone.Tim found her curled up in the closet dead.It really sucks that I was not with her.I really miss my cat:(

RIP Baby my sweet cat.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Things That I Am Excited About This Month

1-Lost starts up again this month. I love that show and have not missed a episode. This is the last season and I'll be really sad to see it end,but I WANT some answers!!!!!! I watched the 1st show of this season and really enjoyed it.

2-Spring is just around the corner. It's been a hard Winter this year. Lots of cold and lots of ice and snow.

3-Taxes are done. Yeah money back:)

4-We got the kids moved into their new apartment.No more scary,crazy landlords.

5- Superbowl on tonight!!!!! When I don't have a favorite team in the game I usually go for the underdogs.So I guess it's GO Saints!!!!!!!!!!! Also hoping that I see some really funny commercials.

6-Picking out my seeds and the flowers that I want to plant in a couple of weeks.

7-Valentines Day

8-Happy,Healthy Family,Everyone is doing good.

I wish the same for everyone else.
Have a Happy February:)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Snow. Beautiful Snow.

We have snow. Yeah baby! We got about 4 inches of snow and 1 inch of sleet on top of that. It's very pretty. The temp. is 24* so it should stick around for awhile. We have power and no problems here. We plan to stay home and play in the snow.

The mountains in N.C. have it worse. Lots of power outages and more snow. It's even bad in Raleigh where one of my sons live. I love the snow but hope that everyone stays warm and safe.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

A New Year

Christmas has come and gone. We drove almost 900 miles over the Christmas weekend. I think I am still recovering. We were so tired but it was great to see all of the family for Christmas this year.
We went and saw Matt in Raleigh. He looked really good.We went to see a movie.That's part of our Christmas tradition. This year we saw Sherlock Holmes. We really liked the movie. Tim liked the movie so much he went and saw it again with his uncle and cousins.
We spent the day with Matt. I wish we could have stayed longer,but at least we got to see him.I talk to him on the phone at least once a week and we text but momma needed to hug her baby:)
After seeing Matt we drove back home,went to sleep,got up early to catch some of the after Christmas sales.We didn't really find a lot of bargains this year.
The next part of our 900 mile trip was to Asheville to see Josh,Leia and Atticus.We exchanged presents,ordered some pizza,talked,laughed,heard their horror stories about the big snow and no power for 2 days.That's really hard to get snowed in with no power,when you have a 17 month old.I am glad they have a wood stove so they at least had some heat.
This year has been crazy with the cold and all of the snow that they have had.
The next part of our 900 mile drive was to Dandridge Tenn. We had our family Christmas party at my mom and dads house.My sisters and brothers came with their kids.We exchanged gifts,ate some really good food,laughed and just had a really good time with the family.
Then we drove home.It was an amazing Christmas. Everyone is doing well.They are healthy and happy.It has been a good year.

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My name is Kathy.I have 1 husband,3 Sons,2 daughters and 2 Grandkids, 2 dogs and 4 cats. Contact me at

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