Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Stephen King and Duma Key

I really really love to read.I love horror,mysteries,drama,romance,etc.I'll read anything.My husband and I moved to Ga. when I was pregnant with our 1st. son.We got to the house that we were going to stay at very late at night and did not have time to unpack anything before he had to go to work the next morning.There I was with nothing,everything we owned was packed in our truck which he had to drive to work.I was going crazy,no t.v.no books nothing.I remember napping alot and pacing alot till someone knocked on the door.It was a lady delivering the new phone books.When I took that phone book in my hands it was like a new book by my favorite author.I could wait to see who's names were in it.Let's see we have alot of Smith's at home,I wonder how many live in Thomaston Ga.O.k. next I wonder how many Phigguranouse's live here,hummm,none.I kept looking up names untill hubby got home and we unloaded the truck and I got my new Stephen King book out of it.This was in 1979 and I'm not sure which book it was,but they've all been great.I read his new book Duma Key and liked it alot.Anyway I read a phone book so that about proves that I'll read about anything.

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My name is Kathy.I have 1 husband,3 Sons,2 daughters and 2 Grandkids, 2 dogs and 4 cats. Contact me at kats7960@gmail.com

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