Thursday, October 18, 2007

Flu Shot

I went to my family doctor yesterday for my yearly check-up.Everything was good.I got my flu shot,ouch !! Really it wasn't bad at all.It's over with and I don't have to get one untill next year.
I believe in getting flu shots.They save alot of lives.
I don't worry so much about me but I would hate to catch the flu and give it to someone who couldn't fight it off so well.If someone died because they caught the flu from me,that would be horrible.
I wish everyone could get free flu shots.Our insurance pays for mine.Health care in the USA needs a huge make over.
There are people dying because they can't afford to go to the Doctor and can't afford the medicine that they need.
I had a nephew who died because he didn't get the health care that he needed.He tried to go to free or low cost clinics.They only see a few people,you have to jump tru hoops to see a good doctor.They didn't help him,by the time he was admited to a hospital and they found out what was wrong with him,it was to late to save him.He was 24 years old.
Every election year,you hear the great ideas to fix health care.You hope for the best but it seems only to get worse.
Health Care in the US is broken and it NEEDS to be FIXED !!!!
I wish that I could do something to really make a difference.
It just breaks my heart.

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